                           Communications FAQs  

Q: What does the Communications Committee do?
A: The Communications Committee's main goal is to improve communications between the Willow Creek 2 Board and Willow Creek homeowners through the newsletter, through email blasts and providing homeowner information on the WC HOA #2 website.

Q: How do I get email alerts and reminders (eblasts) from the HOA/management?
A: Email alerts and reminders or notices sent by the WC 2 Board to help homeowners become aware of upcoming meetings, events or special notifications are sent via email. You may contact our WC 2 Manager, Karol Barton, at if you would like to be added to the email list.

Q: How do I get an announcement on the website?
A: Contact Lori Ambrose at
Q: How do I place and article/announcement in the Willow Talk?
A: Contact newsletter editor Elizabeth Degraffenried at   

Q: How do I place an ad in the Willow Talk?
A: Contact Porchlink Media at 303-653-7412, or at

Q: How do add my child to the Neighborhood Services List in the Willow Talk?
A: Contact newsletter editor Elizabeth Degraffenried at

Q: I want to place a ‘free’ classified ad in the Willow Talk Newsletter, whom do I contact?
A: All ads for profit are paid for in the Willow Talk. Only ‘lost and found’, or ‘free’ items will be published for free, pending space availability. You may contact Porchlink Media for questions at

Click here to view Porchlink Media page.

Q: I didn’t get my ‘Willow Talk’ (WC2 newsletter) this month, where can I get a copy?
A: Occasionally the US Postal Service misses a delivery or the address was misprinted. For the current month of the Willow Talk, you may check the website in the newsletter section. There are limited hard copies of extra Willow Talks printed each month; please contact Elizabeth Degraffenried at

Q: How do I get on the mailing list for the newsletter?
A: All newsletters are mailed to each WC2 address, not to specific homeowner names. Therefore, these should NOT be forwarded to the previous owner. Contact Elizabeth Degraffenried at to check for mailing list changes.

Click here to view Newsletters