Pool Committee
The mission of the Pool Committee is to oversee the mechanical and physical operation of the pools at Mineral and Willow Way in a way which meets or exceeds the standards established by the Board of Directors and as envisioned by the Developer.
Chair: Darrin Rich
Members: Amy Miller, Chris Daichendt, Andrea Gee, Pam Harper, Rob Johnson, Thomas Lopez, Patrick McMahon, Sean Moravek
Board Liaison: Chris Daichendt
Meetings: Once a month March - October
The following are the goals of the Pool Committee:
1. Oversight of the pools and associated areas to ensure that they are being maintained to generally accepted standards.
2. Oversight of the Pool Manager to ensure that the terms and conditions of the contract are being met.
3. Determine projects that would enhance the enjoyment and safety of the pools by homeowners.
4. Working in conjunction with the Community Manager, obtain bids for all pool projects and the annual pool manager’s contract. Scopes of authority to include developing the bid package, distributing the RFP to agreed upon contractors, review of the bids, interview contractors as needed and make recommendations to the Board of Directors for any projects to be completed.
5. Work with the Community Manager on specific needs for the annual budget.
6. Provide a report to the homeowners at the Annual Meeting.
Duties and Responsibilities
1. Committee meetings are open to all homeowners who wish to attend.
2. Minutes of actions taken at each meeting are to be provided to the Board and become part of the Association’s records.
3. Funds in excess of $1,000 are not to be expended without the direct approval of the Board of Directors.
For more information please click on the following links:
Pool FAQs and Rules
Swim Team
Pool Calendars
Private Pool Party Rental
Annual Report